Route 7 widening gets funds


At Thursdays meeting of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, one of the projects approved was the widening of Route 7 between Rolling Holly Drive and Reston Avenue.

The project has been planned for years, but work never started because of a roughly $8 million shortfall, caused by the rising cost of fuel and construction materials. The project will widen Route 7 to three lanes on each side, bordered by a walking and biking trail. The project is expected to take two years to complete once construction starts.

At the public hearing before the NVTA vote, Eleanor Anderson, of the Great Falls Citizen Association, asked the group not to fund the project because of its significant flaws. Many Great Falls citizens oppose the project because it involves an extra turn lane onto Georgetown Pike, which some believe could funnel extra traffic through Great Falls.

Gerry Connolly (D), chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, said he has received a lot of complaints about the widening and approved the plan with the condition that the Virginia Department of Transportation host an informational meeting on the project at an unspecified future date.
