Dear Merrily:
A happily married male co-worker and avid baseball fan has suggested that he and I, a single female, take in a baseball game. As nice as this sounds (and I don’t think he would “try” anything), I hear warning signs. He assured me that this is no problem with his wife because she dislikes baseball and told him to go ahead. I am acquainted with her, as she has been to my home on one social occasion and I have been to hers. They have been married 30 years.
Perhaps I am too old-fashioned, but the last thing I need is wagging tongues. This man is a salesman at my company and a lot of fun. Our paths cross no more than every few weeks, when he stops to chat near my very public office.
I should add that the warning signs did not go off until another co-worker told me quite innocently that she overheard him say that if he were single, he would be interested in taking me out. I have absolutely no interest in him romantically. We are good friends. Shall I call the Mrs. to run it by her so she doesn’t think I am trying to steal her husband? If I accept, should I insist on paying my way? Am I being naive?
Dear Baseball Fan (or is your name Pandora?),
Is you answer contained within your own words? . . . married male . . . warning signs . . . wagging tongues . . . if he were single, he would be interested in taking my out . . . shall I call the Mrs. . . steal her husband . . . should I insist on paying my own way . . . am I being nave.
(Are you laughing yet?) I believe you already see the can of worms you would be opening. Go enjoy the game with someone else. Dont open the box.
Merrily Preston is an intentional life facilitator who lives in Woodbridge. This column is an exclusive to the Alexandria Times.