Your Views – Of wet basements and rainwater


A strict review of the city of Alexandrias policies about run-off needs to be undertaken in the context of the citywide planning for transportation and redevelopment of Landmark, the West End and Braddock Road. 

I live in Del Ray where the areas reputation is that you cant buy a house here without a wet basement. Sump pumps go night and day here in many houses. This is hardly good for resales in a challenged housing market. Several years ago Cameron Run practically ruined a Fairfax County neighborhood when it overflowed.

Last summer we had a spate of dry days when we were asked to conserve water. Trees were dying next to our dusty streets. 

Ancient cultures built cisterns to hold water delivered to them by their shifting climates. It is timely to consider a third water distribution system for our city for drought and fire protection. Rising sea levels are also a prospect which endangers Old Town foundations. Renewable energy from the sun could move the water around at minimal operation cost. 

I am writing to propose that citizens express their insistence that balance be achieved by a new planning effort on this score and that every city plan contain a section on how water will be managed and conserved for the future.  

James Edward Ablard
Del Ray
