City library director garners national award

City library director garners national award

    Director of Alexandria libraries Rose Dawson received the Distinguished Service and the Library Profession Award at the National Conference of African American Librarians of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association earlier this month.
    The award recognizes an individual member of the library profession who has, over a significant period of time, made an outstanding national contribution to librarianship and library development. 
    Dawson, in charge of the citys libraries since 2008, served as deputy director for two years before taking the top position. She is an active member of the American Library Association, Public Library Association, Library Administration and Management Association and Association of Library Services to Children.
    During the last two years, Dawson managed the upgrade of a new catalog and checkout system and hosted the 70th anniversary of the 1939 Civil Rights Sit-in, celebrating the five young African-American men who challenged the status quo by entering the then all-white Alexandria library and asking to register for a library card.
