Fuming over the waterfront plan


To the editor:

We wish to voice our strenuous objection to the City of Alexandrias waterfront plan. Even though the city has spent a considerable amount of money (which could have been used productively elsewhere) and has conducted a few public meetings, we challenge the basic and fundamental premise of all the plans.

All of these plans and concepts are based upon the false premise that an economic engine must be inflicted upon the waterfront. No one has ever asked the fundamental question, is an economic engine a junior version of National Harbor really needed? Would it be welcome?  We do not know of any residents in the extended Old Town area, who are encouraging any such economic engine.  In fact, we are very confident that these residents would resoundingly prefer no change to the existing zoning and land-use regulations.

The real impetus behind creating this economic engine is not the needs or desires of residents or business owners (most of whom do not live in Alexandria); it is to create more revenue for the city council to spend. 

It will do nothing for the residents of the city. The net result will be to extract more revenue and taxes from tourists in order to feed the uncontrollable addiction to spend by City Hall. 

Please leave our peaceful city alone. The existing zoning and land-use restrictions are sufficient to ensure the peaceful longevity of Alexandria. Stop looking for more money to spend!
