King Street lights brighten up Alexandria

King Street lights brighten up Alexandria

By David M. Martin, Alexandria

To the editor:

I want to thank whoever got the Christmas tree lights up on King Street and got most of them lit. Recently, I noticed they were lit from my store, Gold Works, on down to the river.

It is still before Thanksgiving, and the timing is perfect because the lights make walking late in the evening so much more attractive. The lights are so beautiful, especially the way they enhance our picturesque street, a roadway now emblazoned with banners as well.

I am passionate about both, and it seems that I didn’t have to write a letter last month to get the lights hung and lit. They just went on by themselves, and it would appear that our city councilors don’t know who lit them up either. So whoever is responsible — thank you.

Alexandria is truly a great city. You made my day, and you’ll make our retail Christmas brighter too. I feel the best year ever coming up. All the locals love the lights: residents, shop owners and tourists.
