Metroway already a great city investment

Metroway already a great city investment

By Dino Drudi, Alexandria (File photo)

Arlington County’s decision to ditch the contemplated Columbia Pike streetcar in the face of continuing opposition, which the developers and speculators lamented, but the residents who might be displaced and the taxpayers favor, affirms Alexandria’s far-sightedness in city council’s decision to implement the area’s first Bus Rapid Transit system (Metroway).

When I have ridden it lately, it seems more people get on in Arlington than in Alexandria, but with time Alexandria folks will connect from DASH at Braddock Road and behind the Potomac Yard shopping center and from the new developments at Potomac Yard.

Because those bound for Crystal City who take a bus to Braddock Road can transfer to Metroway, they won’t have to “pay twice” as they would if they transferred to Metrorail.  And better still, all the other Metro buses that travel through the dedicated right-of-way segment also save some time by using the transitway.

Thank you for this far-sighted decision!
