By Lynn Hampton, Alexandria (File photo)
To the editor:
The debates for the six positions on city council have been interesting and comforting. First, it is good that there is interest in being an elected representative of the people of Alexandria. With an election comes the responsibility to govern. In Alexandria we see close up the dysfunction of those who want to obstruct rather than reach a compromise to govern.
I encourage all to vote in support of Alexandria and our future by writing in Bill Euille for mayor. It takes guts to do a write-in campaign. Democrat Tony Williams ran a write-in campaign in D.C. Republican U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski ran a write-in campaign in Alaska. Frank Mann, also a Democrat, ran a write-in campaign in Alexandria. Jim Moran ran as an Independent. All showed courage.
Euille has shown courage and leadership by not letting obstructionists block important issues in our city. We are a great city because of Euille’s actions.
Second, I am comforted by the current city council and the newest addition to the Democratic slate, Willie Bailey. These six Democrats demonstrated they deserve to be elected, by their words and actions. It is tough to listen and to govern, and this team has done it. It is good to be an Alexandrian.