Your View: A big thank you to Alexandria

Your View: A big thank you to Alexandria

By Terry Hyde, Yelverton, UK (File photo)

To the editor:
We have just returned to the United Kingdom after a three-week vacation in the United States, which included a delightful four-day stay in Alexandria.

Unfortunately, during our stay, my wife, Anne de Looy, had a nasty fall on the sidewalk. On June 5, she got up early to walk to church on King Street by herself; I’m afraid that it was a little too early for me.

On the way, she somehow tripped and fell heavily on her knees, hands and mouth, which bled profusely. A local resident who was nearby came to Anne’s assistance and called our hotel — the Marriott Residence Inn on Duke Street — and the hotel immediately sent their free shuttle to pick her up.

The shuttle returned to the hotel to pick me up and then they took us both to the Patient First clinic on Richmond Highway — well beyond their normal one-mile range for their shuttle service.

Anne had her wounds dressed and her knees X-rayed and then the hotel shuttle returned to collect us. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank the anonymous woman who came to my wife’s assistance that day as well as the hotel for their fabulous service.
