To the editor:
The recent influx of electric scooters has created a mess in Old Town that we don’t need.
Regardless of the brand – Lime, Bird, Bolt, etc. – they are scattered all over town like garbage. They are cast aside, on and off the sidewalks, upright and fallen over. They are in neighborhoods and at retail locations. They are a hazard on the road, sidewalk and pathways when ridden, and a hazard when they are used and left at their rider’s destination, many times on their side, and across sidewalks. The riders are on the street, many times riding opposing the traffic, competing with pedestrians on sidewalks, on walking paths. No license, no helmet, no courtesy.
I get it that they are fun, and at times convenient, but either defined docking stations or set scooter locations are needed to reign in this mess, and prevent accident, injury and chaos.
-John M. Camp, Alexandria