Your Views: Make the effort to better recycle glass

Your Views: Make the effort to better recycle glass
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To the editor:

The City of Alexandria and Fairfax County have started a new glass recycling program with the goal of improving recycling rates. Previously, glass was accepted in the mixed stream, blue recycling bins. The glass would become broken and contaminated in transport. Most of the glass that Alexandria residents were sending to be recycled was ending up in landfills.

The new glass recycling system will have residents separate out their used glass products and take them to one of four drop-off centers. Although this system allows the city to recycle glass more efficiently, residents have to do their part to make this system work.

Residents can help support the system and make it easier for their neighbors by offering to take each other’s glass when they plan on taking their own to a center. Neighbors could take turns taking glass to the drop off centers.

Communities need to come together to make the new program easier for people who feel they don’t have the time to make regular trips to one of the centers. Participating in this new program will make our city greener and help reduce our carbon footprint.

The drop-off centers are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All colors of glass bottles and jars are accepted for the glass drop off. Jars and bottles must be free of food residue and lids can remain on. Once the glass is processed, it will be used for local construction and landscaping. Items that are not accepted include porcelain, lamps, lightbulbs, glass sheets and mirrors.

This is a great way to repurpose used products instead of letting materials go to waste in landfills. The city will continue to accept glass in their curbside collection, but the glass will continue to be sent to landfills.

-Jillian Jones, Alexandria
