Jack Taylor named Turkey Trot grand marshal

Jack Taylor named Turkey Trot grand marshal
(Photo Credit: Will Niccolls)

By Cody Mello-Klein | cmelloklein@alextimes.com

Local businessman and philanthropist Jack Taylor will serve as grand marshal of the 44th annual Alexandria Turkey Trot, according to a news release.

Taylor, owner of Jack Taylor’s Alexandria Toyota, was named as the event’s grand marshal for his philanthropic efforts over the years. He has received ACT for Alexandria’s Legacy of Service Award and, earlier this year, T.C. Williams High School named the Jack Taylor College and Career Wing after him in honor of his contributions to the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria, according to the release.

Featuring more than 5,000 runners, the Alexandria Turkey Trot is an annual Thanksgiving tradition and one of the premiere Thanksgiving runs in the region, according to the release. The event will take place on Thursday at 9 a.m. and the five-mile course runs through Del Ray, starting and ending at George Washington Middle School.

Turkey Trot organizers encourage runners and spectators to bring two nonperishable food items on the day of the race to donate to ALIVE!, according to the release.
