Potomac Yard Metro receives U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit

Potomac Yard Metro receives U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit
(Photo Credit: Missy Schrott)

By staff

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a permit to the City of Alexandria for the new Potomac Yard Metro Station on Nov. 15, according to a news release. 

Because of wetlands located on the future Metro station’s site, the pending permit application has been a source of contention throughout the planning phases of the project. Several residents and environmentalists have alleged that building the station according to current design plans would destroy the wetlands. 

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ permit was the last major approval the city needed to move forward with the project, according to the release. The city was issued a permit from the Virginia State Water Control Board in September. 

Preliminary construction on the station began earlier this year. The station will face additional development review and require other local permits over the next year, according to the release.

This is a developing story. Find the full article in the Nov. 28 edition of the Alexandria Times. 
