Your Views: Historic preservation is more important than development

Your Views: Historic preservation is more important than development
King Street

To the editor:

John Mullen’s opinion article in the June 17 Alexandria Times, “In support of Old Town’s redevelopment” is sadly way off the mark. I might add that my opinion also comes from an “older, long term resident:” Me.

To discard our historic preservation values totally denigrates what the Founders were thinking in 1749 when an Alexandria Council was comprised of such members as George Washington, John Carlisle, Lord Fairfax and my direct ancestor George Mason –all who laid the historic groundwork upon which many generations since then have given us. What we now have inherited is a young group of potential and incumbent Council members who have essentially told us that they will not subscribe to any of those historic preservation norms and that we need to continue to develop at breakneck speed even in the face of a lingering disaster.

Over-densification has become their “logo” despite the fact that every major problem within Alexandria can be traced to over densification. Major problems in traffic, parking, schools and crime among others are a result of over building.

Eventually, many visitors to our great city will stop coming and our economy will die out. These young warriors, both those seeking their first election and incumbents, should not be voted into office in the November general election. They add absolutely no value to this community.

-Townsend A. “Van” Van Fleet, Alexandria
