Your Views: Three cheers for Therapeutic Rec!

Your Views: Three cheers for Therapeutic Rec!
Therapeutic Recreation Center

To the editor:

We want to acknowledge with much gratitude the amazing job Alexandria’s Therapeutic Recreation Department has done this past year.

Since September 2020, this committed team has served some of the most disabled children in our city. They held an in person “after virtual school” camp from 3 to 6 p.m. every single day without missing a beat.

They took every precaution and to my knowledge there was not one case of COVID-19. They created art, celebrated holidays, danced, played games, ate snacks and read books together. Led by Jackie Person, Brenda Holloway and Mia Parks, Therapeutic Rec is always filled with tremendous energy and joy.

Thank you for the incredible work you and your amazing staff did to get us all through the madness of this year and for the dedication you have shown in serving our kids for all these years. We are forever grateful.

-Deb and Brian Riley, Alexandria
