Your Views: Academic excellence is the best kind of vision

Your Views: Academic excellence is the best kind of vision
T.C. Williams High School. (Photo/Cody Mello-Klein)

To the editor:

Alexandria City Public Schools Board Chair Meagan Alderton assured your readers of her intent to work with “vision, integrity and passion” in accomplishing the mission outlined in the 2025 Strategic Plan: Equity for All in her column, “True to our vision amid change,” in the July 14, 2022 Alexandria Times.

Yet Alderton and outgoing Superintendent Gregory Hutchings, Ed.D. must bear some responsibility for ACPS Standards of Learning pass rates: 57%, 40% and 44% in reading, math and science, respectively, for the 2020-21 school year. Our neighboring school districts exceeded the average of these three must-pass test scores by almost 50% during the same school year.

Alderton is clearly committed to her vision and strategic goals. But is there a better way to demonstrate a commitment to equity than a viable plan to lift our children’s test scores so they can compete after graduation?

-Keith Anderson, Alexandria
