Upcoming election coverage

Upcoming election coverage
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Discerning readers will notice that we are several weeks into running candidate profiles on page 1 of our paper, and “Why I’m running” commentary pieces on our opinion pages. We have offered every candidate running in the Democratic primary the opportunity to be the subject of a story and to share their platform on our pages. We will offer Republican and Independent candidates the same opportunity once they have all declared their candidacies.

In addition, we will be running our endorsement editorial in the May 23 issue of the Times. In this piece, we will reveal our preferred slate of candidates in the Democratic Primary for mayor and council and explain our choices.

This is a bit earlier than our endorsement editorial has run in years past. With the advent of early voting on May 3, we felt the need to move the date up by a couple of weeks, while still waiting for as many candidate forums to be held as possible.

We are about to send our list of questions that will appear in our voter guide out to candidates this week. Our voter guide issue will run on June 6. It will feature candidates’ answers to our questionnaire as well as brief bio blurbs on each candidate in the primary. The voter guide is a pullout section that can be saved from the June 6 issue.

We encourage residents to attend as many candidate forums as possible, either in person or virtually, and to study our voter guide to help in your quest to vote in the best possible political leadership for Alexandria.
