Nothing mysterious about our union

Nothing mysterious about our union
(Graphic/Jessica Kim)

To the editor:

As an Alexandria resident and Unite Here member, I was very confused by your article “Mysterious elections placards baffle residents” in the May 8 Alexandria Times. There is nothing mysterious about what our union does. I vote for union leaders, and they work with members to choose candidates who will stand with us, the workers. Alexandria is where we have made our home after immigrating here. We work in service jobs all over the area – like in the restaurants and coffee shops at the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport and at local parking lots in Alexandria.

We deserve to have a political voice, and that is why we are proud union members. It is disrespectful to describe us as outsiders. Those attitudes towards workers and immigrants are one of the reasons we so badly need change.

That’s why I am knocking on doors for Alyia Gaskins for mayor, and for Canek Aguirre, Sarah Bagley, John Taylor Chapman, Kirk McPike, Abdel Elnoubi and Jesse O’Connell for City Council.

-Fitsum Tessema,

