Amy Jackson: Why I’m running for mayor

Amy Jackson: Why I’m running for mayor

By Amy Jackson

I’m running for mayor to work day and night for the people of our great city. If elected as our next mayor, I will improve public safety, fully fund our schools, address traffic and transportation needs and protect our quality of life.

We have challenges that require bringing the city together in order to solve them, and we also have significant opportunities that we must take advantage of in order to remain a community where people want to live, work and raise their families.

I got into this race because like many city residents, I know that Alexandria isn’t reaching its full potential. I’ve sat next to you in traffic driving my kids back and forth to practice, I know what it’s like to be priced out of housing and I know what makes our community so special. I will be a mayor who listens to the residents.

I’m proud that I was the first and only candidate for mayor to oppose the Potomac Yard arena deal after doing my due diligence and working with our community to know it was a bad deal for the city, so I stood up and opposed it. Now, we need to use that site for something that benefits the entire city. I’ve laid out a vision for how we can build new housing and bring commercial business space to that location.

I will be a mayor for the people. No special interests will tell me what to do. I’m an educator who will always work to fully fund our schools. I grew up here and my mother still lives here, and I know firsthand what it’s like for seniors to be able to afford to live in our city after they retire. We must address affordable housing in the city because working families can’t afford to live and work here – that’s a problem I will fight to fix.

After two terms on the City Council, I’ve got the experience to lead on day one. I will move us forward with a plan that puts a premium on modern infrastructure and stops the constant floods. I will also work to attract local businesses to our city so that residents aren’t forced to shoulder the city budget with property taxes alone.

I want this city to be inclusive and I want our unique neighborhoods to thrive. We need leadership as mayor that will ensure every neighborhood has a shot at achieving its full potential. We can do it if we work together.

Voters can trust that I won’t just talk the talk: I’ll get things done.

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve my hometown of Alexandria during these last six years on the Alexandria City Council. It does not go unnoticed – and especially with those vote tallies – that our residents and business owners feel secure in knowing that I am the best representative for them and their overall quality of life for a multitude of reasons. Being the representative for the voice of all of our Alexandrians has been one of the honors of my life, and one that I do not take lightly.

When I first ran for office in 2018, I ran on a platform to recommit to our community, revitalize our economy and infrastructure, create pathways to attract and retain our teachers, our businesses and our emergency personnel while reallocating resources to encourage these renewal projects and foster job creation that is key to a thriving economy.

I’ve kept these promises. I am so proud to be an Alexandrian and we have so much more to do. I ask for your support, your vote, by June 18, so we can continue on this journey – together. Please visit my website ( for more information. Thank you.

The writer is a candidate for mayor in the June 18 Democratic primary.
