Difficult Conversations
1200 Canal St. SW Washington, DC 20024
When faced with having to have difficult or uncomfortable conversations we may try avoiding them, repressing our true feelings, lashing out in anger – or all of the above! Ultimately, none of these approaches will lead to resolution, harmony and happiness. Buddha emphasized the need for wise and beneficial actions in all circumstances, and in particular he taught special approaches to dealing with difficulties. These four approaches will help us to navigate even the most challenging situations calmly and wisely, allowing us to communicate with clarity and compassion.
Join us for this special event with visiting guest teacher Gen Menla.
This course is taught by Gen Kelsang Menla. He is a D.C. native and has studied under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 20 years and was requested by him to become the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Center Texas in June 2017. Gen Menla was ordained as a Kadampa Buddhist monk in 2001 and has worked and taught within the New Kadampa Tradition for many years. He brings a warm heart and joyful attitude to sharing Buddha’s teachings and the practice of meditation.
1200 Canal St. SW Washington, DC 20024
Friday – 7pm – 8:15pm
Saturday – 2pm – 5pm