Exploring Systemic Racism in Alexandria: Housing

When Alexandria’s public housing agency opened its waiting list to potential applicants in January, 45,000 people signed on, hoping for help finding homes in the city. The situation is dire, particularly for Black Alexandrians.
Join us on Thursday, March 18 at 7:30 p.m. with Krystyn Moon, historian and professor of history and American Studies at Mary Washington University, who will help participants understand how the confluence of a Jim Crow past, plus development and market pressures, constrained the options of Black people seeking to live in the city.
Following Dr, Moon’s talk, there will be a panel discussion with Helen McIlvaine, who heads Alexandria’s Housing Office, and Jonathan Frederick, CEO of the non-profit Alexandria Affordable Housing Development Corporation, to discuss efforts to broaden housing access and answer questions.
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvdOCvrTwoGdcPmzdU3wuh1asTrBfmcpji