History of the Meeting House Part 2: Historic Worship Practices
In a two-part Saturday morning program, Donald Dahmann, longtime Meeting House member and chair of the history and archives committee, presents two sessions on the storied history of the Meeting House. The first session, was held on February 5, presented an overarching history of the congregation from the colonial era to modern times. The second, on February 12, will focus on the evolution of worship – the Lord’s Day, place of worship, those who proclaimed the Word, those who worshiped, and the worship service. Sessions will also be live streamed.
These sessions are the first in a series of monthly events in 2022 celebrating the 250th anniversary of the Meeting House. For more information on upcoming events, check back on the church website at opmh.org/events. These events will be live-streamed.
Please let us know you are coming by RSVPing: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/231879115677
* In accordance with current Covid-19 protocols, attendees must wear face coverings.