Alexandria Planning Commission & City Council


 The items described below will be heard by the Planning Commission and the City Council on the dates and times listed below. NOTICE: Some of the items listed below may be placed on a Consent Calendar. A consent item will be approved at the beginning of the meeting without discussion unless someone asks that it be taken off the Consent Calendar and considered separately. The Planning Commission reserves the right to recess and continue the Public Hearing to a future date. For further information, call the Department of Planning & Zoning at 703.746.4666 or visit 






ROOM 2400 






ROOM 2400 



The January 4, 2024, Alexandria Planning Commission Public Hearing is being held in the Council Chamber (301 King Street, Room 2400 Alexandria, Virginia, 22314) and electronically. Members of the Planning Commission and staff are participating in-person. The Planning Commission Public Hearing can be accessed by the public in the City Council Chamber, through the live broadcast on the government channel 70, streaming on the City’s website, and can be accessed via Zoom Webinar by the following link: 

Planning Commission (Public Hearing Webinar): 

The Webinar will open at 5:30 p.m. to allow individuals to join prior to the 6:00 p.m. Work Session and prior to the Planning Commission Public Hearing which is scheduled to start at approximately 7:00 p.m. 

Registration Link: https://zoom. us/webinar/register/WN_ DHkHgpwITk21QB6_ufL71g 

Zoom Audio Conference: 

Dial in: 301-715-8592 

Webinar ID: 957 0145 3218 

Password: 093258 

City Council (Public Hearing Webinar) 

Registration Link: https:// WN_vJL3qb1vRsG9xac14Xvxxw 

Zoom Audio Conference: 

Dial-in number: 301-715-8592 

Webinar ID: 967 324 6248 

Webinar Passcode: 096445 

If you use the Zoom Webinar application, please be sure you have updated the application to the latest version for the best results. If you are unable to access the Zoom Webinar, please use the Dial-In number to access the meeting. Public comment will be received at the meetings. The public may submit comments in advance to Department of Planning & Zoning staff at PlanComm@ for the Planning Commission Hearing; to the City Clerk at for the City Council Hearing; or make public comments on the day of either Hearing. 

For reasonable disability accommodation for the Planning Commission Hearing, contact Lisa Chase at or 703.746.4666, Virginia Relay 711. We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made. If you prefer communication in another language, free interpretation and translation services are available to you. Please email or call 703.746.3960. 

A Work Session to discuss AlexWest will begin at 6:00 PM in the Council Chamber. Public testimony is not received for Work Sessions. 

Special Use Permit #2023-00094 

421 Clifford Avenue 

Public Hearing and consideration of a Special Use Permit for a temporary trailer; zoned CDD#24/ Coordinated Development District. 

Applicant: Matilde Alvarado 

Special Use Permit #2023-00076 

404A E Alexandria Avenue 

Public Hearing and consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit to construct a single-family dwelling on a vacant substandard lot, for a lot without frontage on a public street, and for a parking reduction; zoned: R-2-5/Single and Two-family. 

Applicant: Eric Teran and Daniela Gross 

Development Special Use Permit #2023-10018 

Special Use Permit #2023-00093 

4898 West Braddock Road – Newport Village II (NVII) 

Public Hearing and consideration of requests for: (A) a Development Special Use Permit (with Site Plan) to construct a new multifamily residential building, with Special Use Permits for a maximum allowable floor area ratio of 2.3, a parking reduction, more than three mechanical rooftop penthouses, and an extension in the period in which construction must be commenced under Section 11-418 of the Zoning Ordinance (amending DSUP #2020-10026); and (B) a Special Use Permit for a coordinated sign plan; zoned CRMU-H Commercial Residential Mixed Use – High. Applicant UDR Newport Village, LLC, represented by Kenneth W. Wire, Attorney, Wire Gill LLP 

Special Use Permit #2023-00097 

1601 Mount Vernon Avenue 

Public Hearing and consideration to extend the Special Use Permit until December 31, 2045 for the continued use of a nonconforming automobile service station (amending SUP #2010-00051); zoned CL/Commercial low. 

Applicant: MVSC, Inc., represented by Lauren G. Riley, attorney 

Master Plan Amendment #2023-00006 

Rezoning #2023-00004 

Development Special Use Permit #2023-10011 

300 Wythe Street and 600 N. Fairfax Street – The Ladrey 

Public Hearing and consideration of requests for (A) amendments to the Old Town North Small Area Plan chapter of the Master Plan to change the Recommended Height District Limits Map to allow for 85 feet in building height and the Development Summary Table to update the proposed zoning, floor area ratio, height, the Recommended Zoning Map to change from CRMU-X to RMF, and total allowable development; (B) amendment to the official zoning map to change the zone for the site from RC/High density apartment zone to RMF/Residential multifamily zone; (C) a Development Special Use Permit and site plan to construct a 270 unit multifamily affordable building, including special use permits to increase the floor area ratio to 3.0 in the RMF zone, for the utilization of Section 7-700 for bonus density for the provision of affordable housing, and for a parking reduction; zoned RC/High Density Apartment. 

Applicant: Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority, by its agent Ladrey Developer LLC, represented by Steven Mikulic, attorney 

Master Plan Amendment #2023-00003 


Development Special Use Permit #2023-10017 

Encroachment #2023-00002 

S Alfred Street Townhomes – 816-820 Gibbon Street and 608-614 South Alfred Street 

Public Hearing and consideration of requests for (A) an amendment to the Southwest Quadrant Small Area Plan Chapter of the Master Plan through an update to the Southwest Quadrant Land Use Map for the site from Commercial Low to Residential Medium; (B) an amendment to the official zoning map to change the zone for the site from CL/Commercial Low to CRMU-L/Commercial Residential Mixed Use (Low); (C) a Development Special Use Permit and Site Plan with modifications to construct 14 townhouses, including special use permits to increase the floor area ratio to 1.5 in the CRMU-L zone, for the utilization of Section 7-700 for bonus density for the provision of affordable housing, and for land without frontage and modifications to the open space requirement and side yard setbacks; and (D) an Encroachment for three bay windows along South Alfred Street; zoned: CL/Commercial Low. 

Applicant: MS-Alfred, LLC, represented by M. Catharine Puskar, attorney
