At a budget work session on April 1, City Manager Mark Jinks presented city council with a draft of his revised fiscal year 2021 operating budget, which includes a $56.4 million reduction from his original proposal.
While it’s still a work in progress, Jinks’ budget is now estimated to come in at $743.5 million, down from the $799.9 million budget he proposed on Feb. 18. The changes are largely due to the coronavirus’ impact on the economy.
“We’ve had to stop in our tracks, reassess our financial environment and re-strategize our budget process mid-stream,” Morgan Routt, city director of management and budget, said at the budget work session.
Jinks is slated to present a formal revised budget proposal to city council on Tuesday.
The Times will run a full story on proposed changes to the FY2021 budget in the April 9 edition.