Enjoy an evening of good food, drink and some light-hearted competition with friends, neighbors and colleagues while supporting the work of Volunteer Alexandria, a primary volunteer organization in the city.
The Marian VanLandingham and Joan White annual awards honoring Alexandrias outstanding volunteers will be presented Thursday, November 12, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Fish Market.
In recognition of the serious impact that the current economic crisis has had on our community, and our desire to maximize the benefit of our volunteer work, this years auction will be an all new, exciting alternative to the silent auction of the past, according to Volunteer Alexandria Executive Director Melinda Patrician.
The organization will showcase key Volunteer Alexandria initiatives that you can choose to support directly through your donations. Tax-deductible contributions will enable them to maximize their work and provide thousands of volunteers to support the crucial work of Alexandrias nonprofit and government agencies, Patrician said.
Tickets are $75 per person $125 per couple and may be purchased online at www.volunteeralexandria.org, by email at jstyles@volunteeralexandria.org or by calling 703-836-2176.
Following the reception, you can continue the evening by dining at La Strada, Mango Mikes or Gadsbys Tavern Restaurant each of which will provide discounts to Volunteer Alexandria guests at 50 percent of the meal cost. Advanced reservations at the restaurant of your choice are encouraged.