City targets Tauber property


Alexandria is moving forward to accept the donation of a significant piece of property in the citys west end.

City Council voted unanimously last week to accept the Tauber Foundations donation of 4.3 acres of property at 4600 King St. and 3451 Beauregard St., the site of the old Jefferson Memorial Hospital.

Dr. Alfred Tauber wanted to donate the property to the city if the city would agree to dedicate the site for public use. The city has agreed to pay fees of up to $5 million for the property, which is valued at between $15 and $29 million. The plan is to redevelop the two sites and move city agencies currently in leased space throughout Alexandria.

Agencies being considered for relocation are the Department of Human Services activities that are in leased space, some Community Service Board programs and the Alexandria City Public School systems administrative offices.

We are very excited about acquiring this property and are grateful to the foundation for their generosity, said Mayor Bill Euille.

The Alexandria School Board was aware that the property might be available for its use but has not taken any formal action on moving the administrative offices.

It is an interesting alternative and one that we will consider as we come to the end of our current lease in 2010, said School Board Chair Claire Eberwein.

A number of tenants are in buildings on the site now, and redevelopment will cost a significant sum of money. Actual plans for the site probably will not be brought forward for two to three years, according to some estimates.
