Independence Day schedule of services


Independence Day schedule ofservices

All City of Alexandria governmentoffices will be closed on Monday, July 5, in observance of the Independence Dayholiday.

Health Facilities: The Alexandria Health Department,4480 King St., the Flora Krause Casey Health Center, 1200 N. Howard St. and theAdolescent Health Center, 3701 W. Braddock Road, will be closed on July 5.

Hotlines: All hotlines are open 24 hours aday, 365 days a year, including the child protective services hotline(703-746-5800), the domestic violence hotline, (703-838-4911) the emergencyservices for mental health or substance abuse crisis hotline (703-746-3401) andthe sexual assault hotline (703-683-7273).

Libraries: All Alexandria Libraries will beclosed July 4 – 5.

Parking: On July 5, the Alexandria PoliceDepartment will suspend enforcement of parking restrictions at metered spaces,as well as time restrictions in residential permit parking districts and otherareas with signed parking time limits.

Recreation Centers: The Chinquapin Park RecreationCenter will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., July 4 – 5. All other Cityrecreation centers will be closed.

Refuse Collection: Trash and recycling will not becollected on July 5. Scheduled collections will be delayed one day the week ofJuly 5. The household hazardous waste and electronics recycling collection sitewill be open on July 3 and closed on July 5.

State Offices: The following State offices will beclosed July 5: Circuit, General District, Juvenile and Domestic RelationsDistrict Courts, the Clerk of Court Office and the DMV Office at 2681 MillRoad.

Transit: Alexandria Transit Companys DASHbus service will operate on a Sunday schedule on July 4 – 5.
