July 12 – Build Your Own Rain Barrel workshop


Interested in saving the environment, living “green,” and protecting the Chesapeake Bay? The City of Alexandria, in partnership with other regional organizations, invites residents to attend a “Build Your Own Rain Barrel” workshop on Saturday, July 12 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Francis C. Hammond Middle School, 4646 Seminary Drive. Rain barrels can be placed under your downspouts to capture runoff from the roof. The rainwater you collect can help you save water for use in your yard and house plants, eliminate potential flooding in your basement, and reduce stormwater management costs. The use of rain barrels also helps to decrease the volume of storm runoff, which in turn, helps to moderate stream erosion and the resulting pollution that is impairing the Chesapeake Bay. 
