MY VIEW/Abigail Spangler – A slippery slope on easy guns

MY VIEW/Abigail Spangler – A slippery slope on easy guns

Americans have known all along that the real ‘slippery slope’ in the United States is not taking away guns from legitimate gun purchasers, but the disastrous consequences of criminals and dangerous individuals’ easy access to guns because of our country’s lax gun laws.   

That’s the murderous and threatening slip and slide our country is now recklessly heading down.   

With this Supreme Court decision, it’s high noon in the United States, and citizens are poised and ready to strip away easy access to guns by those intent on murdering, maiming and threatening Americans.  Dangerous individuals have lost their right to bear arms in the United States.   

We implore our legislators to stop protecting lax gun laws which make it easy for dangerous individuals to procure guns and begin protecting the American people with better gun regulations.  Our children, our police, and all Americans want a safer country.   

A good place to start is by closing the gunshow loophole and requiring background checks on all gun purchasers, which the majority of Americans, gun owners, and both presidential candidates want done — sooner rather than later.
