Survey shows discontent among APD officers

Survey shows discontent among APD officers
The Alexandria Police Department Headquarters, located at 3600 Wheeler Ave. (Photo/Missy Schrott)

By Missy Schrott |

A survey that the Times acquired from a former Alexandria Police Department officer revealed that several APD officers are unhappy with Police Chief Michael Brown and the culture of the department.

The survey was conducted on members of the Alexandria chapter of the Southern States Police Benevolent Association, an organization composed of more than 58,000 law enforcement officers. The SSPBA website does not specify how many members are in the Alexandria chapter.

Of the 60 members whose survey responses were reported, the majority indicated they were unhappy with the chief of police and the culture of the department through their responses to 14 questions. The survey also asked respondents how the national pressure and scrutiny on law enforcement officers in recent months has impacted them.

The questions included:

“Considering the current national climate and the scrutiny of policing policies and procedures, the APD will be actively seeking community comment and input on the adoption of reforms. Do you feel the current chief of police has the requisite respect of APD officers to lead the department into this new era?” (68.33% no, 18.33% undecided, 13.33% yes)

“If you are accused of violating policy, do you believe you will receive a fair administrative process?” (60% no, 25% yes, 15% undecided)

“Has the chief of police, in his role as a leader, helped to make you feel more or less secure in your future with the APD?” (65% less secure, 31.67% no impact, 3.33% more secure)

Find the full survey here.
