To the editor:
The loss of a southern entrance for the planned new Metro stop at Potomac Yard is disappointing. I could live with that after public involvement and discussion, but the agreement by our representatives to engage in a secret process is unacceptable.
The failure of any member of council and the mayor to break down their silence of what was coming when they had known for months what happening is most discouraging.
Regardless of the secrecy provisions of whatever the agreement was that they now say prevented public discussion, the elected officials should have come out and discussed the matter with the public. I guess I could have missed some leaked discussion, but am pretty sure there was none.
In a region that operates on leaked info, this should have at least come out that way. Secrecy in government over basic infrastructure decisions makes no sense. I’m pretty sure no national intelligence obligations governed this decision-making.
I am at this point disinclined to vote for any of the politicians who knew of the Metro move, but failed to find a way to get that information out long ago. I will be looking at all political newcomers with renewed interest with an eye to just voting for them.
-Don Aplin, Alexandria