Letter to the Editor: Unsolicited contacts are unethical


To the editor:

With great interest, I read John K. Frost’s letter to the Alexandria Times in the May 24 issue, “Silberberg leads way on ethics.” Specifically, the letter praised the Alexandria mayor’s ethics.  

Here’s the issue I take with Mr. Frost’s assessment:  

The political action committee, Alexandrians for Better City Government (A4BCG) that supports Mayor Allison Silberberg’s re-election – and the election of Matt Feely, Robert Ray and Mo Seifeldein – is being used as a shell endorsement vehicle – and supporters of the individuals are contacting residents in an unsolicited manner (without their permission) and recommending that citizens vote for no more than three people for the council and one for mayor. I believe this undermines democracy.  

These unsolicited contacts have happened on more than a couple of occasions – and this is not ethical by any stretch of the imagination. I did not give my email address to any of these candidates or their supporters.  

The right to privacy is a core value. Democracy is a core value.

-Matthew Worner, Alexandria
