To the editor:
The remarks of former resident Sanford D. Horn in the June 9 edition of the Alexandria Times (Obama on the wrong side of Israel border issue) are offensive.
They are not offensive because, living and writing in Indiana, Mr. Horns view takes space from current residents positing their concerns and remedies for local problems.
Nor are Mr. Horns remarks odious because they excoriate our president for having the audacity to propose a Palestine / Israel land-for-peace solution.
They offend because Mr. Horn puts the interests of a foreign country ahead of Americas.
Certainly, hes entitled to his harsh assessments of our president and his proposals to facilitate peace between two intractable belligerents who each regard the other as interlopers. And theres nothing wrong with him hoping that a successor president will treat Israel more accommodatingly.
Whats genuinely lamentable is that Mr. Horns remarks are designed solely to defend and to benefit Israel. He never once presents policies that are good for America.
Perhaps he should become a registered foreign agent. Doubtless he wont, but for balance, your newspaper should at least find a credible source to explain what the Palestinians seek in their enduring quarrels with Israel.