To the editor:
About 300 members of the Parkfairfax Unit Owners Association met June 25 to present their growing concerns about the Virginia Department of Transportations proposed extension of high-occupancy toll lanes from south of the I-495 Beltway into their community, which borders Shirlington Circle (ground zero for the project).
Despite VDOTs glib assurance that any negative impact on Parkfairfax would be minimal during and after the HOT-lane construction, the attendees consensus viewed that assurance as disingenuous at best.
Consider the project as currently planned (and slickly marketed) to be Plan A. Ideally, Plan B would consist of a light-rail system to supplant the expanded roadway of I-395. But the state apparently has insufficient funds (and even less imaginative solutions) for dealing with the surge of south-of-the-Beltway commuters. These policy makers apparently couldnt care less about the environmental challenges, expense, or safety issues that the project poses for our historic oasis known as Parkfairfax condominiums.
Shortly after our hearing VDOT representatives spiel about the rosy HOT-lane scenario, we, the people of Parkfairfax, pronounced it unacceptable, casting our stance in the form of a formal resolution (now passed by our board of directors).
As the boards action underpins our opposition to the VDOT-led inroads into the very security and welfare of our community, I remind residents of neighboring Shirlington, Parc East and South Fairlington that my e-petition at remains active and continues to welcome your signatures (and supportive comments) for whats done unto us Parkfairfaxians by this ill-advised project will be done, either directly or indirectly, unto our neighboring communities as well.
Larry W. Bryant,Alexandria