Your Views: The death of a tree

Your Views: The death of a tree
(Photo/McArthur Meyers)

To the editor:

On Sept. 2, an “Eco City” that has been designated a “Tree City,” along with Alexandria City Public Schools, had a beautiful old oak tree cut down in order to make room for a concession stand at the new T.C. Williams stadium. Sounds like an article from “The Onion,” doesn’t it?

Obviously, city officials prize monetary gain over environmental awareness. How else can the cutting of the tree be explained?

There are many ironies here – the designation of Alexandria as an Eco City and Tree City are two, but another is that ACPS lost a valuable opportunity to teach T.C. Williams students about eco-stewardship. Instead, the message that has been sent is, “If a tree gets in the way of development, the tree must go.”

The author Jodi Thomas has said, “When trees burn, they leave the smell of heartbreak in the air.” I agree and wish to add, “When a tree is cut down, it leaves the smell of heartbreak in the air.”

-Mary Zoeter, Alexandria
