Your Views: Thankful for city workers

Your Views: Thankful for city workers

To the editor:

Usually on an editorial page or in any politician’s inbox you will find complaints that significantly outnumber the compliments. With that in mind, I would like to do my part to level the playing-field.

I recently called the city’s 311 number to ask for some large abandoned metal items to be removed from my neighborhood sidewalk. The staffer who answered my call was very polite and responsive. The very next day city workers removed the abandoned junk. In this instance, the creation of Alexandria 311 helped streamline my request and contributed to an efficient delivery of service by competent and responsive staff.

If you work for the city and are reading this now, please know that we sure do complain a lot. Sometimes it is needed. But on the whole, we recognize how essential you are to our community.

We know you are not just city workers. You are our neighbors and fellow community members. We are thankful for the services you work to provide, especially in the midst of a deadly pandemic.

-Bud Jackson, Nicky Lane, Alexandria
