Opinion: Animal control is ‘inherently governmental’ and should not be outsourced

Opinion: Animal control is ‘inherently governmental’ and should not be outsourced

To the editor:

Animal control is a form of law enforcement requiring officers to exercise inherently governmental powers over private property, public safety and community well-being. Federal government workers will recognize the term “inherently governmental” as meaning the work they do cannot be outsourced.

Alexandria police rightly hesitate to allow animal control officers to carry guns. Using a gun to carry out a governmental function is an exercise of inherently governmental powers and should, therefore, be restricted to sworn officers directly employed by a government agency.

Arming animal control causes a controversial conundrum, but the underlying problem is, because animal control is inherently governmental, it should not have been outsourced to a private organization in the first place. Instead, emergency responders, such as police who already have and know how to use a range of weapons, should be trained to handle animal control matters. The city should not vest inherently governmental authority in a private organization.

– Dino Drudi
