To the editor:
I urge my fellow Alexandrians to contribute money to create a timeless memorial honoring the courage, gallantry, heroism and personal sacrifice of local police officers who have died in the line of duty protecting others.
The proposed memorial will be located in a publicly accessible area in front of the new Alexandria Police Department and Department of Emergency Communications building on Wheeler Avenue. It will convey a message of remembrance and appreciation, thus serving as a lasting and fitting public tribute to Alexandria’s fallen heroes and the loved ones they left behind.
Unfortunately, funding for such a memorial, common in police buildings across the country, was not included in the original public funding package approved by the city council. As a result, a campaign to raise private donations from a grateful and generous community has begun.
The design of the proposed memorial, expected to cost $300,000, has been completed. I invite you to view the rendering at the Alexandria Police Foundation website ( It is time for all of us to make this important and most appropriate dream come true. Donors will be properly recognized for their level of contribution. I ask that you share this information with other residents of Alexandria, and encourage them to contribute.
Please send your tax-deductible contribution to: Alexandria Police Foundation, c/o Shawn McLaughlin, 1615 Frost St., Alexandria, VA 22304. Checks should be made payable to the Alexandria Police Foundation with the notation “Police Memorial Fund.”
Thank you for contributing to this worthwhile and lasting cause to honor police officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to others.
– David P. Baker
Former Alexandria Chief of Police