Opinion: Pass the plan and fix an unmemorable waterfront

Opinion: Pass the plan and fix an unmemorable waterfront

To the editor:

I attended the Waterfront for All gathering at Pork Barrel BBQ. What a pleasure to be with so many Alexandrians committed to responsible growth in our community.

A few months ago my parents came to visit. We had a few minutes to kill in between a self-guided walking tour of Old Town and a delightful dinner at Columbia Firehouse. I suggested we walk down to the water. When my Dad asked if he should bring his camera, I had to respond, “No.”

Telling, isn’t it, that our waterfront is something not worth remembering?

The time to revitalize our waterfront is now. Please urge our city council members to vote to implement the plan. As Alexandrians we have a lot of things to be proud of; together we can ensure our waterfront is one of them.

– Rebekah Walker
