Letter to the Editor: New PAC doesn’t represent broader city

Letter to the Editor: New PAC doesn’t represent broader city

To the editor:

In announcing their new PAC, the leaders of Alexandrians for Better City Government (“New PAC seeks change on council,” April 12) understandably opted to hide their agenda behind a parade of tired grievances and vague banalities.

Fortunately, their intentions are easy to discern: they seek to hijack the Democratic primary and stock city council with a bloc of reactionaries. The PAC will elevate candidates who represent that fringe of grumps who seem to resent having to live in a city full of other people, not all of whom are so fortunate to reside in charming Old Town or along upper King Street.

Most Alexandria Democrats want a city that is livable for the working class and for renters, not just wealthy homeowners. They should nominate candidates for council that will govern on behalf of the entire city, not those who will cater to the petty complaints of a narrow clique. They should support candidates who will move Alexandria forward and reject impostors who won’t.

– Brandon Payne, Alexandria
