Quick Takes


THUMBS UP to Charlie Collum, who is stepping down as Chairman of the Burke and Herbert board. Collum is a terrific Alexandrian; he’s given countless hours to the community while helping a host of charities. Don’t disappear to Florida, Charlie, we still need you!

Denise Dunbar

THUMBS DOWN to parking space thieves who park in spots their neighbors spent hours (and in some cases hard-earned money) shoveling out. Yes, city streets are public property and everybody has a right to park on them, but really.  Common courtesy anyone?

Matt Danielson

THUMBS UP to the new promotional campaign “Handcrafted Alexandria,” which will attempt to spotlight a variety of city businesses, galleries and art classes. This approach is a good model for businesses and organizations to band together and attempt to promote themselves collectively better than they could individually.

Denise Dunbar    

THUMBS DOWN to the bus monitor a school employee charged with ensuring the safety of students for physically assaulting a child last October on a school bus. The incident may be uncommon in the school system, but it is obviously unacceptable and dangerous. The transportation department should keep this incident in mind before making its next hire.

Matt Danielson
