To the editor:
The headline City taxes, spending to rise (May 6, 2010) gave me an idea. Given that the majority of Alexandrians who favor higher city spending and taxes also are likely environmental protectionists, why not simply run the headline Same Ol, Same Ol each year and skip the lengthy article? Doing so would save trees, and give this same constituency a double win.
And those who cringe at the annual tax hike and higher budget will also get something: Without missing any news, well be spared from having to read the same, tired story about the
sleepless nights that Council members suffered as they made tough calls, such as cutting vacant jobs and increasing personnel compensation. The perennial patronizing comments by Council members praising themselves for working hard on this issue only serves to irritate those of us who believe the resulting budget speaks for itself.
In sum, I hope you will give some thought in future budget cycles to running nothing more than a simple same ol, same ol headline. Everyone in Alexandria will certainly understand what you mean.
– Larry Ruggiero