To the editor: New PAC seeks change on council

To the editor: New PAC seeks change on council

To the editor:

It’s time for a change. Alexandrians for Better City Government represents Alexandrians seeking real choice and change in the upcoming Alexandria Democratic Primary on June 12. It is a non-partisan political action committee formed of Alexandria residents from all political parties and, frankly, apolitical beliefs. It is the resounding voice of voters who are alarmed at the direction of this city government and who seek new representation on city council.

Alexandria voters can no longer accept the status quo in council of constant discord and disrespect, on the dais and toward citizens. In this council, process and politics overwhelm and squelch new ideas and constructive debate, especially involving citizens, beyond a select few. Proposals are passed that appear orchestrated, pre-decided and beyond discussion. Any recourse at the ballot box seems futile. Voters are asked to confirm a slate rather than choose between candidates with creative ideas, diverse experience and demonstrated leadership. Thus, Alexandria elections have little competition or real consequence.

This city council needs a shock to their collective senses that forces them to understand the mounting frustration across the city as citizens clearly see this council’s disdain for resident views and apparent air of entitlement. That shock must come at the ballot box in June.

This June 12 primary for Democratic candidates is an “open” election, meaning anyone, of any party, can vote that day or by absentee ballot in the days preceding the election. Our PAC will be busy reviewing the statements of all candidates, their platforms and their records. We are asking each to answer some basic defining questions about their views of key problems facing our city and their recommended solutions. Individual interviews can follow if clarification is needed.

In May, we will recommend the candidates we feel best offer the talents to lead change and restore true representation of citizen interests to city council. We are proud of our campaign, and invite all to learn more about us at

-Bob Wood (Republican), Kathy Burns (Democrat), Hal Hardaway (Independent)
