Waive toll fees and reduce the risk of fatalities


By Karen Ann DeLuca, Alexandria

To the editor:

Pretty much every day since the new Interstate 495 express lanes opened November 17, there has been at least one accident. Near misses and fender benders — luckily no fatalities so far — are the rule of the day. And there are those who mistakenly find themselves on the toll road, who then maneuver to avoid paying the fines and fees.

Since this new addition to the Beltway was not scheduled to open until December anyway, why doesn’t Virginia follow the example Maryland set with the Intercounty Connector? In the spirit of the holiday season, which will bring more than a few oblivious out-of-towners to the area, officials should grant a reasonable grace period of adjustment — a monetary moratorium for lost motorists — before the cost of an accident becomes much more expensive: a valuable human life.
