Win or lose, all candidates deserve congratulations

Win or lose, all candidates deserve congratulations

By James Roberts, Alexandria

To the editor:
As I was collecting the political yard signs recently, I was struck by a thought, one concerning our fellow residents that expressed themselves by running in the municipal elections.

I thought about the time, effort, energy, hopes, funding and sheer determination they expended to win elected office and to serve if elected. I may not have agreed with all of them all the time on any given issue, but I was thankful for every one of them. Whether they were successful in their quest or came up short, they put themselves on the line.

I am sure there were many motives, but among them must be a common desire to serve our community.

And whether recently elected or winding up a term in office, you all deserve our support and thanks. I would not pretend to speak for others, but I suspect I am not alone in wishing you well and thanking you for your commitment to leadership. Thanks for working to make Alexandria a great community.
