By M. T. Monson Jr., Alexandria (File photo)
To the editor:
Comcast, while replacing fiber optic cable on Fort Williams Parkway in early October, damaged an underground Dominion Virginia Power line which served the street lights. As a consequence, lights in a three-block stretch, from Colonel Ellis Avenue to Dearborn Place, have been inoperative ever since.
The middle of this stretch of Fort Williams Parkway passes heavily-wooded parkland, and the area is so dark that it is unsafe for pedestrians and drivers alike. We had no street lights for Halloween. We had no street lights for Thanksgiving. We had no street lights for Christmas. We had no street lights for New Years. Will we still be in the dark for Valentine’s Day?
Dominion has been quite cavalier in responding to this situation. When advised in October of the situation, Dominion communicated that it would complete the repairs in February, five months after the outage. In subsequent contact with a city councilor, Dominion promised the repairs would commence in mid-December, but they did not. Calls and letters to Dominion’s offices have gone without response.
There must be a way to cause monopoly entities such as Dominion to be responsive. Perhaps a public shaming would help. The truth of the matter is that Dominion Virginia Power just does not give a damn.