By Eileen Cassidy Rivera, Former Alexandria City School Board member (File photo)
To the editor:
I had the pleasure of serving with Ronnie Campbell on the Alexandria City School Board from 2006 through 2009. During that time, we worked together on a variety of issues, including the need to address the growing achievement gap, particularly among children of color and from other diverse backgrounds.
Campbell understands the importance of speaking out for policies and programs to help our city’s most in need children. In fact, she spearheaded the reinstitution of the summer program for grades three through eight for students in need of educational support throughout the year. During her tenure, she has pushed hard to recruit teachers early to ensure ACPS has the best, brightest and most committed teachers.
She continually supports competitive compensation for our teachers and staff. By far, Campbell is the most experienced member of the school board. Her tireless service to our schools over the past nine years makes her an important asset to our community. She knows what does and doesn’t work. Most importantly, she puts the needs of all children above everything else.
Let’s make sure Ronnie Campbell is re-elected to the city school board.