Your View: Reckless dealings with development


To the editor:

With the announced closing of the polluting GenOn power station on Alexandrias environmentally abused waterfront, all calculations have changed. But once again, Alexandrias developer-mayor, Bill Euille, is paying more attention to his personal portfolio as an extension of Euille Way, a designated Alexandria street, than to his constituents.  

The mayor misrepresents majority opinion by trying to claim, erroneously on both counts, first that the recently announced October 2012 closing of the GenOn power plant does not completely alter the Old Town waterfront redevelopment debate, and second that the Alexandria community in any way shape or form wants the deal he has already negotiated behind our backs.  On the contrary, the additional 25-acre plot of hazardous materials the GenOn plant has housed for 62 years now can be cleaned up in unison with the decades of hazardous materials under Robinson Terminals North and South.  Such an outcome could ensure that those of us who live near the waterfront together with visiting tourists and park-enjoying local citizens finally can breathe free and clear of contaminants and the city can rest easy knowing it will have dodged the multiple legal bullets coming its way.  

Instead and unfortunately for stakeholder-residents who actually live in Old Town, its all about the money for the mayor and his shareholders who would like to own, sell, lease, and run Alexandrias public waterfront as they see fit.
