To the editor:
I am writing in response to the letter in the Oct. 7 Alexandria Times, “Don’t ignore the School Board election.” The writers seemed to be urging voters to disregard candidates who they claim are running on a single issue that’s attracting media attention, or candidates using slogans that might divide voters, such as “Open the schools.”
I disagree with this misguided contention. People can run for the School Board for any reason. If someone is upset with the status quo, if someone wants to retain the historic names of all of our schools, if someone wants to get a new superintendent, if someone is concerned about the SROs being pulled out of the schools, if someone is concerned with having night football games at Alexandria City High School, well then, they should have every right to run.
We have a lot of longstanding problems with our schools. No one person can be an expert on everything. Different people have different perceptions. It’s called diversity. We need some diversity in Alexandria instead of this “go along to get along” mentality. Our school boards and our superintendents have been letting us down here in Alexandria for a long time.
-Greg Paspatis, Alexandria