Your Views: Hopkins House endorsements

Your Views: Hopkins House endorsements
Hopkins House

To the editor:

This is a critical election in Alexandria’s history. Earlier this month, Hopkins House invited candidates running for public office in the 2021 Democratic Party primary elections for the City of Alexandria to respond to a survey on early childhood and education issues. Both mayoral and council candidates were invited and all 15 responded.

A committee, composed of Hopkins House trustees, staff and volunteers received the survey responses and provided a summary analysis of the extent to which the responses from individual candidates aligned with the organization’s public policy positions on early care and education in the city.

Hopkins House thanks and congratulates all candidates running for Alexandria mayor and City Council for illustrating that early childhood education is a priority. We also recognize Canek Aguirre, Sarah Bagley, John Chapman, Alyia Gaskins, Kevin Harris, Kirk McPike, Meronne Teklu and Justin Wilson for submitting answers that illustrated support for and understanding of all six public policy priorities championed by Hopkins House.

The summary analysis is being shared with the public and media. We encourage you to use this and other resources to educate yourself around these important public policy issues, consider which candidates most closely align with your own views around these issues, and vote in the June 8 Democratic primary.

-Elizabeth Partoyan, board secretary, Hopkins House
